Epiphany Covenant Church launched the first Sunday of November, 2018. Since then we’ve been blessed to journey with individuals and families from all parts of the Twin Cities metro, across the expanse of God’s beautiful multi-ethnic mosaic, and between all lines of socio-economic status. We’ve praised God as people have recognized the mysterious and yet beautiful duality of both their God-given value and their need to be rescued from their sins.
This has led people to understand that God wants to transform their lives, so that families can be transformed, so that communities can be transformed, so that the world can be transformed - all for His Glory! Seeing people grasp this vision, this “epiphany” of individual AND community transformation has inspired us to continue to join God in the work that he is already doing. It has emboldened us to be agents of human and heavenly reconciliation. And it has motivated us to invite people to be Holy Spirit empowered Kingdom citizens who are actively engaged in biblical efforts of compassion, mercy and justice.
This is not to suggest that this work has been easy! The examples of pain, brokenness, trauma and more are unfortunately all too familiar in our communities. And yet, and still, we cling to hope! Not the “cross-your-fingers”, “wish upon a lucky star” false and fleeting hope.
We cling to the blessed assurance that God is faithful, that His word is true, and that the good work He started -long before we ever entered this world- He will complete!
-Pastor Kevin Farmer
2024 Annual Report

Our Missional Priorities
Make & Deepen
Identify & Develop
Servant Leaders
Plant Healthy, Multi-Ethnic,
Missional Churches
Our Core Values
We are devoted to knowing, understanding, and living out the teachings of the Bible.
We give witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ and serve others in His name.
We are committed to both individual and corporate expressions of devotion to Christ.
We encourage participation in healthy, diverse, Christ-honoring relationships.
We engage across ethnic, socio-economic, generational, and other dividing lines.
We create pathways for disciples to make disciples and new churches to be planted.
Our Denomination
Epiphany is a part of the Covenant Denomination. The Covenant was set in motion in 1885 by Swedish immigrants who referred to themselves as “Mission Friends”. Today the Covenant is a growing, multiethnic, intergenerational mosaic of over 850 congregations throughout the U.S. and Canada, and with ministry partnerships in nearly forty countries all throughout the world.