What to Expect

We gather on Sunday mornings to worship Jesus and grow in community with each other! We sing, pray, and read God’s Word together, as well as share in a time of connection and fellowship at the end of service.

Location & Parking

Hope Academy
710 E 24th St
Minneapolis, MN 55404

We worship together on Sunday Mornings at Hope Academy. Enter through the doors that face 24th Street with a sign that reads “MN Adult & Teen Challenge” above the doors. Folks from our Hospitality Team will be there to greet you and point you to the chapel and check-in table. 

You may park in the Hope Academy parking ramp on 24th St.

Children and Youth

We love and believe in this generation of children and youth! We want to join parents in helping our young people know that they are loved and valued by God and that they are part of His beloved community!

Each Sunday children 3 years old through 5th grade are invited to Epiphany Kids for a time of fun interactive biblical learning.

Two Sundays a month 6th – 12th grade students are invited to a time of peer connection, activities and teaching from God's word. 

We are also pleased to offer a nursery twice a month, that serves children 6 mo- 2 years old. On the other Sundays, there is Family Room available with a live stream of the service for families with infants and toddlers who may need it.